1. a.Create a class named 'Student' with a string variable 'name' and an integer variable. 'roll_no'. Assign the value of roll_no as '2' and that of name as "John" by creating an object of the class Student.
b. Write a class having two private variables and one member function which will return the area of the rectangle.
c. Perform addition operation on complex data using class and object. The program should ask for real and imaginary part of two complex numbers, and display the real and imaginary parts of their sum.
2. a. Write a program that asks a name say hello. Use your own function, that receives a string of characters (name) and prints on screen the hello message. (Doesn't returns anything- void type)
b. Write a program that ask for two numbers, compare them and show the maximum. Declare a function called max_two that compares the numbers and returns the maximum.
c. Write a C++ program that uses functions.
i) to swap two integers ii) to swap characters iii) to swap two reals
3. a.Create a class 'Student' with three data members which are name, age and address. The constructor of the class assigns default values to name as "unknown", age as '0' and address as "not available". It has two functions with the same name 'setInfo'. First function has two parameters for name and age and assigns the same whereas the second function takes has three parameters which are assigned to name, age and address respectively. Print the name, age and address of 10 students. Hint - Use array of objects
b. Create a class named 'Rectangle' with two data members- length and breadth and a function to calculate the area which is 'length*breadth'. The class has three constructors which are :
1 - having no parameter - values of both length and breadth are assigned zero.
2 - having two numbers as parameters - the two numbers are assigned as length and breadth respectively.
3 - having one number as parameter - both length and breadth are assigned that number. Now, create objects of the 'Rectangle' class having none, one and two parameters and print their areas.
4. a.Using function overloading write C++program to find the volume of cube, cylinder, cone and sphere.
b. Write a C++ program illustrating an interactive program for swapping integer, real, and character type variables without using function overloading. Write the same program by using function overloading features and compare the same with its C counterpart.
5. a. Write a C++ program to perform different arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction, division, modulus and multiplication using inline function.
b. Write a program to swap private data members of classes named class_1, class_2 using friend function.
6. a. Using operator overloading write a C++ program for class STRING and overload the operator + and == to concatenate two strings length.
7. a. Write a C++ program illustrating Constructor overloading (Both parameterized and default).
b. Write a C++ program illustrating for overloading ++ operator to increment data.
8. a.Write a C++ program illustrating overloading of new and delete operator.
b.Write a C++ program illustrating Abstract classes.
9. Write a C++ program illustrating Inheritance (Multiple, Multilevel, Hybrid).
10. a. Create a class 'Degree' having a function 'getDegree' that prints "I got a degree". It has two subclasses namely 'Undergraduate' and 'Postgraduate' each having a function with the same name that prints "I am an Undergraduate" and "I am a Postgraduate" respectively. Call the function by creating an object of each of the three classes.
b. A class has an integer data member 'i' and a function named 'printNum' to print the value of 'i'. Its subclass also has an integer data member 'j' and a function named 'printNum' to print the value of 'j'. Make an object of the subclass and use it to assign a value to 'i' and to 'j'. Now call the function 'printNum' by this object.
11. a. Design a virtual base class for the employee information system.
b. Implement a program using pure virtual function for calculating area and volume for the circle and cylinder
12. a. Write a C++ program using Copy constructor to copy data of an object to another object
13.a. Write a C++ program illustrating access data members & member functions using ‘THIS’ pointer.
b. Write a program to illustrate the use of pointers to objects which are related by inheritance
14. a.Write a C++ program to read and print employee details using Files.
b. Write a C++ program to copy the contents of one text file to another file.
15.a. Write a C++ program that uses function template to determine the square of an integer, a float and a double
b. Write a Template Based Program to Sort the Given List of Element
16. a. Write a Program Containing a Possible Exception. Use a Try Block to Throw it and a Catch Block to Handle it Properly.
b. Write a Program to Demonstrate the Catching of All Exceptions
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